Nail Polish improvisations

Hi guys! This is me takin a break from revision to post a blog… As you do…
We all know how important nails are to our beauty regime, either females or males. A good paint job can have you feeling like a Naomi Campbell or a Tyson Beckford. A bad one? Like an extra from Roots.
Between revising for my numerous exams and maintaining the illusion that I’m still aiming for a first class (sorry mum), I decided to paint my finger nails 💅. Good stress buster by the way. Boys can also partake in a manicure when life gets stressful.

Now I wanted a salon looking paint job on my chromes but didn’t want to shell out the extra £20 to get it done professionally (after splurging £200 on a new sound system and £60 on designer lipstick)#priorities.
Dilemma. How do I achieve this? By doing it myself obviously you cry!
Making good use of my NUS card in the nail polish section of Superdrug I bought the lovely colours below:


From left to right: Rimmed London nail base and top coat, Rimmel London 60 seconds Super shine in 'Black out', Rimmel London 60 second Super shine in 'Rapid Ruby', Maybelline Colour Show in Sugar crystals

Obviously we all know how to paint nails so I won’t bore you with how to hold the brush and stuff like that. You can see my Clinical Biochemistry notes in the background 😎 🌚🌚😭🚫
The order in which I used the Polish above was:

-Base Coat, Black Out, Sugar Crystals, Top Coat
-Base Coat, Rapid Ruby, Sugar crystals, Top Coat


Close-up of the finished product

I painted all the nails black except the fourth finger to give the impression of salon acrylic nails.
The nail pictures were taken almost 5 days after painting them and from the pictures we can see the Polish still going strong 💪💅.



The sugar crystals polish is what makes this paint job work as it adds shine and an illusion of texture to the nails. Not bad for something that took half an hour to finish.

Race relations in America

So to commemorate my new blog, I decided to repost a rant I had on facebook a while back. I don’t have the time currently to write a blog, even if I do make one whist I was supposed to be revising for my 11 exams 🙈.
I promise I will get round to posting actual blogs but for now my first post will be a repost of a rant *sorry*. But it’s relevant as ever in the wake of the #BaltimoreRiots; enjoy…

The whole justice system in America needs reform. The same young officers that were holding the water cannons and unleashing the dogs during the Civil rights movement are now heads of police departments. The same officers involved in Selma, Alabama boycotts etc are now police chiefs, sheriffs, heads of crime units.
The same young members of the kkk during segregation are now senior officers in the police and judiciary. If they did this in their youth, what makes us think that they’ll take the killing of unarmed black men seriously?
The end of segregation should not have been the end of the Civil rights movement. It should have been the platform to launch into phase two. The end of Jim crow laws and black laws and segregation did not mean the end of racism. These people just stuffed their hate, prejudice, racism, kkk membership into sacks. These sacks have now frayed over the resulting decades.
Obama having the audacity as a POC to become  president loosened the neck of the sack significantly, after all he should have stayed in his lane according to Fox news and the GOP. and now all the hate is pouring out from the moth holes and gaping frayed edges of that sack.

It’s there for all to see, the Republicans and tea party don’t hide their racism, the police don’t hide their face when they kill, the judges don’t flick when they hand down disproportionate sentences for POC compared to Caucasians.
That country is rotten to the core and the stench cannot be hidden with the perfume of “post racial world/I don’t see colour” utopia some like to perpetuate.